
22 April 2013

Returning back from the Easter hols, I felt like I really just wanted to get stuck into building another bust. 

- My project is starting to explore themes of 'belonging' - what is belonging? - what makes you belong?
- I want to explore combining the ceramic with materials such as plaster and resin.

- For my first large bust, I didn't want to sculpt from any of the photos of the people from Nottingham, as I didn't feel I knew who they were/ had any sense of where they might belong.

- I then I thought that I should know where I belong the best out of everyone - so I decided to challenge myself in creating a bust of my own head.
- I initially considered using a mirror, but I felt it would be easier to get a likeness from a series of still photographs.

- Learning from the bust I made of my Grandad - I chose to roughly build up the shoulder section and start to properly sculpt the face first, then work my way down to the shoulders, so I didn't end up with a short neck.

- I applied the hair thickly with my fingers, then defined it with my tools. I felt that adding the hair helped me to see what was wrong with the face more, and it gave the piece more of a likeness to me.

- There is still alot of work which needs to be done to it - face slightly thinner/ eyes put in/ mouth altered- as I don't feel satisfied that I
- I left the bust at this stage for a week, whilst I built clay faces to test decoration ideas on, such as:
- Acrylic paint
- Resin/ Plaster detail
- Wire for eyebrow/ hair detail
- Monoprinting/ scraffito
- Wire drawings pressed into surface

I hope to revisit it either at the end of this week or the start of next.