
24 April 2013

I spent this morning hollowing out the bust of myself. 

- When I hollowed out the one of my Grandad, 2 small cracks formed either side of the neck on the line where I cut in half. 
- I think this happend as I didn't build any clay onto the join in that area once it was stuck back together.
- So this time, I decided to take a section off the back of the head, and hollow it out from there, as I knew I'd be building more hair covering the join.

- I marked out a rough guide of the wall thickness.

- Once I had hollowed out as much as I could from that opening, I scored the edges and used slip to stick them together again.
- I then got a friend to help me lie the bust face down onto a large sponge, so I could access the shoulder section to hollow it out.

Once finished, I stood the bust back up.
- I was still unhappy with the face, so thought I'd work on the eyes first.
- my tutor suggested hollowing out the sockets, then building it like an actual eye - making a ball, then layering the eyelids ontop.
- I gave this a go, but still not happy with it yet. 
- I think the eyes may be a bit too small, and the lips look a bit pouty.
- Looking at the photos of it, I think the forehead could do with being a bit longer?

I am going to revisit it on Friday and aim to get it finished and ready to decorate!